Manish has over 25 years of expertise in the area of Taxation (both Direct and Indirect Tax). Manish has worked extensively in the field of cross border transactions, mergers and acquisition, corporate and commercial laws, Private Equity, Venture Capital and Finance and Investment Consultancy. In his past experience has worked with the leading, Indian and multinational, law and accounting firms including the EY and KPMG at senior positions.
Experience Summary:
- Manish is a Chartered Accountant by profession and is closely associated with MHA legal
- Manish has over 25 years of expertise in the area of Taxation (Direct and Indirect) including taxation of cross border transactions, mergers and acquisition, corporate and commercial laws.
- Manish has extensive experience in Private Equity, Venture Capital and Finance and Investment Consultancy.
- During his career he has worked with the leading, Indian and multinational, law and accounting firms including the Big 4 at senior positions.
- Manish has been expensively involved in advising leading Indian and Multinational Companies.
Corporate and commercial laws, mergers and acquisition , Tax due diligence and Taxation matters
Location :
Delhi & NCR